1.25 Zeolite-es, Specifications and Uses of Very High Quality Zeolitic Tuffs. Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece, PP 46p., 2017.
1.29 Mineral Resources of Greece. Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece, PP 10p., 2022.
1.30 Agricultural-Industrial-Environmental Applications of Natural Zeolites. Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece, PP 31p., 2022.
3.01 The cation distribution in synthetic Mg-Fe-Ni olivines. American Mineralogist, 67, 1206-11, 1982.
3.02 Cation ordering in Ni-Fe olivines. American Mineralogist, 67, 1212-17, 1982.
3.03 Experimental study of the serpentinization of Mg-Fe-Ni olivine in the presence of sulfur. Canadian Mineralogist, 1982.
3.04 Cation ordering in Ni-Fe olivines reply. American Mineralogist, 69, 164, 1984.
3.05 Cation ordering in Fe-Mn silicate olivines. American Mineralogist, 69, 1110-15, 1984.
3.06 Formation of awaruite in the system Ni-Fe-Mg-Si-O-H-S and olivine hydration with NaOH solution, An exper. study. Economic Geology, 1985.
3.07 Cation ordering in the limited solid solution Fe2SiO4-Zn2SiO4. American Mineralogist, 1986.
3.08 Sr-bearing stilbite in a quartz-monzonite from Vathi, Kilkis, Northern Greece. Schweiz. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt., 1988.
3.09 Stellerite and Sr-containing stilbite in granitic rocks from the Siljan ring structure, central Sweden. Bull. Geol. Inst. Univ. Uppsala, 1989.
3.10 The polymetallic ore mineralization of the Kirki area, Alexandroupolis district, Northeast Greece. Geologica Rhodopica, 1, 350-65, 1989.
3.11 Chemical composition of some ore minerals from St. Philippos (Kirki) polymetallic deposit. Geologica Rhodopica, 1, 389-95, 1989.
3.12 Meta-autunite and autunite occurrence in the Dipotama granite, Drama, North Greece. Geologica Rhodopica, 1, 431-37, 1989.
3.13 Ultramafic body in Gorgona area, North of Xanthi (Central Rhodope Massif, Greece). Geologica Rhodopica, 2, 117-26, 1990.
3.14 Zeolite-bearing rocks in Petrota area (Eastern Rhodope Massif, Greece). Geologica Rhodopica, 2, 500-11, 1990.
3.15 Further comments on the opaque mineral assemblages in ultramafic rocks, an experimental study. Ofioliti, 1991.
3.16 Mineralogical and chemical investigation of fly ash from the Main and Northern lignite fields in Ptolemais, Greece. Fuel, 1992.
3.17 Oxidation state of biotite from heated perlite samples from Chivadolimni deposits in Milos Island, Greece. N. Jb. Miner. Mh., 1, 1992.
3.18 Chemical, X-ray and Mossbauer investigation of a turquoise from the Vathi area volcanic rocks, Macedonia, GR. N. Jb. Miner. Mh., 10, 1992.
3.19 Heating experiments of the Ptolemais lignite in the temperature range from 100°C to 500°C. N. Jb. Miner. Mh., 11, 1992.
3.20 Mineralogical components from ashing at 600°C to 1000°C of the Ptolemais lignite, Greece. Trends in Mineralogy, 1, 295-300, 1992.
3.21 Morphology, mineralogy and chemistry of the fly ash … in relation to some problems in human health. Trends in Mineralogy, 1, 301-305, 1992.
3.22 Zeolitic alteration of Eocene volcaniclastic sediments at Metaxades, Thrace, Greece. Applied Clay Science, 1993.
3.23 New find of moissanite in the Metaxades zeolite-bearing volcaniclastic rocks, Thrace County, Greece. N. Jb. Miner. Mh., 1993.
3.24 Determination of heavy metal uptake by the sodium form of heulandite using radiochemical techniques. Geologica Carpathica, 1993.
3.25 Morphology and trace element contents of the fly ash from Main and Northern lignite fields, Ptolemais, Greece. Fuel, 1994.
3.26 Thorium and uranium uptake by natural zeolitic materials. The Science of the Total Environment, 1995.
3.27 Multi-stage alteration of the Gorgona ultramafic body, central Rhodope massif, Greece. Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry, 1995.
3.28 The use of zeoliferous rocks from Metaxades-Thrace, Greece, for the removal of caesium from aqueous solutions. Fresenius Envir. Bull., 1995.
3.29 Geology and geochemistry of the Eocene zeolitic-bearing volcaniclastic sediments of Metaxades, Thrace, Greece. Estudios Geologicos, 1995.
3.30 Prehnite formation and metamorphic relations in the metagabbros of the Oreokastro ophiolite suite, Macedonia, Greece. GFF (Sweden), 1995.
3.31 Trace element contents in composited samples of three lignite seams… Drama lignite deposit, Greece. Intern. J. Coal Geol., 29, 219-34, 1996.
3.32 Mineralogical components of some thermally decomposed lignite and lignite ash… Ptolemais, Greece. Intern. J. Coal Geol., 30, 303-14, 1996.
3.33 The chemical behavior of natural zeolites in aqueous environments low-silica zeolites 1M NaCl different pH-values. Applied Clay Sci., 1996.
3.34 Interaction of HEU-type zeolite crystals with Thorium aqueous solutions. Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry, 1996.
3.35 Uranium sorption from aqueous solutions on sodium-form of HEU-type zeolite crystals. J. Radioanal. & Nuclear Chemistry, Articles, 1996.
3.36 Chemical variation of olivine in the serpentinite of the central section in the Xerolivado chrome mine of Vourinos, GR. N. Jb. Miner. Abh.,1996.
3.37 Natrolite-thomsonite intergrowths from basaltic rocks of Deccan Traps (Western India). N. Jb. Miner. Mh., 1996.
3.38 Interaction of natrolite and thomsonite intergrowths with aqueous solutions of different initial pH values at 25oC-KCl. Applied Geochem.,1997.
3.39 Mineral, chemical and radiological investigation of a black sand at Touzla Cape, near Thessaloniki, Greece. Envir. Geochem. & Health, 1997.
3.40 Some interior egg characteristics as influenced by addition of Greek clinoptilolitic rock material in the hen diet. Archiv fur Geflugelkunde,1997.
3.41 Chemical variation of chromite in the Gorgona olivine-orthopyroxenite, Thrace, Greece. N. Jb. Miner. Mh., 3, 1997.
3.42 Chemical variation of chromite in the central sector of Xerolivado chrome mine of Vourinos, Western Mecedonia,GR. N. Jb. Miner. Mh.,8, 1997.
3.43 Feldpars from Paranesti pegmatite veins (NE Greece) for the ceramic and glass industry. Interceram, 1997.
3.44 Application of proton microprobe and 12 C-Rutherford backscattering ... Hg(II)-cations sorbed by granite minerals. Radiochimica Acta, 1998.
3.45 Copper (II)-loaded HEU-type zeolite crystals characterization and evidence of surface complexation with N,. Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., 1999.
3.46 Technological characteristics of the calcined limestone from Agios Panteleimonas, Macedonia, Greece. Materials and Structures, 1999.
3.47 The usage of ultrasonic techniques at calcination studies. PACT, 2000.
3.48 Characterisation of zeolitic materials with a HEU-type structure modified by transition metal elements, Ni-loaded crystals. Chem. Eur. J., 2001.
3.49 Geochemical and isotopic evidence for the origin of rhyolites from Petrota (Greece) and geodynamic... Chemie der Erde-Geochemistry, 2001.
3.50 The Drama basin water quality and peat-lignite interaction. Environmental Geology, 2001.
3.51 Application of TG-DTA to the study of Amynteon lignites, northern Greece. Thermochimica Acta, 2001.
3.52 A correlation study of trace elements in lignite and fly ash generated in a power station. Intern. J. Environ. Anal. Chem., 2001.
3.53 Environmentally important elements in fly ashes and their leachates of the power stations of Greece. Energy Sources, 24(1), 2002.
3.54 Leachability of major and trace elements of fly ash from Ptolemais power station, Northern Greece. Energy Sources, 24(2), 2002.
3.55 Environmental effects of lignite and intermediate steriles coexcavation in the Southern lignite mine of Ptolemais... Energy Sources, 24(6), 2002.
3.56 The effects on the mined lignite quality characteristics by the intercalated thin layers of carbonates in Ptolemais... Energy Sources, 24(8), 2002.
3.57 Utilization of lignite reserves and simultaneous improvement of dust emissions and operation efficiency of a power… Energy & Fuels, 2002.
3.58 GIS-type zeolite synthesis from Greek lignite sulphocalcic fly ashes promoted by NaOH solutions. Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., 61, 57-67, 2003.
3.59 Heterostructures patterned on aluminosilicate microporous substrates, Co(III)-HEU-type zeolite... Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., 61, 69-77, 2003.
3.60 The role of organic matter of carbonate rocks in the reactivity of the produced quicklime. Materials and Structures, 2003.
3.61 The use of earth observation and decision support systems in the restoration of open-cast nickel mines in Evia... Int. J. Remote Sensing, 2004.
3.62 Investigation of the uptake ability of fly ashes produced after lignite combustion. Journal of Environmental Management, 2005.
3.63 Thermal decomposition study of crystalline limestone using p-wave velocity. Construction and Building Materials, 2005.
3.64 EPI-type zeolite synthesis from Greek sulphocalcic fly ashes promoted by H2O2 solutions. Fuel, 2006.
3.65 Thermal distinction of HEU-type mineral phases contained in Greek zeolite-rich volcaniclastic tuffs. European Journal of Mineralogy, 2006.
3.66 Experimental neutralization of lake and stream waters from N. Greece using domestic HEU-type rich natural zeolitic mater... Desalination 2007.
3.67 Chemical investigation of lignite samples and their ashing products from Kardia lignite field of Ptolemais, Northern Greece. Fuel, 2007.
3.68 Zeolites clean up. Industrial Minerals, 2008.
3.69 Arsenic distribution in sediments of Filippos B port, Kavala, Northern Greece. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2010.
3.70 Distribution of potentially toxic elements in sediments of an industrialized coastal zone of the Northern Aegean Sea. Environ. Forensics, 2010.
3.71 Concentrations and bioavailability of potentially toxic elements in soils of an industrialised area of NW Greece. Fresenius Envir. Bull., 2010.
3.72 Spatial distribution and concentrations of Fe, Mg, Co, Cr and Ni in topsoils… as affected by parent rocks. Geochem. Miner. Petrol.-Sofia, 2010.
3.73 Determination of geochemical background for environmental studies of soils via the use of HNO3 extraction and Q-Q... Envir. Earth Sci., 2011.
3.74 Surface soil geochemistry for environmental assessment in Kavala area, Northern Greece. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 2011.
3.75 Extra-framework cation release from heulandite-type rich tuffs on exchange with NH4+. Journal of Environmental Management, 2011.
3.76 Ammonium exchange capacity of the Xerovouni zeolitic tuffs, Avdella area, Evros Prefecture, Greece. Clay Minerals, 2011.
3.77 Factors affecting the distribution of potentially toxic elements in surface soils around an industrialized area of N. Greece. Envir. Earth Sci., 2012.
3.78 Greece seeks mineral lifeboat. Industrial Minerals, 532 (Jan.), 2012.
3.79 Exploration key to growing Greek industry. Industrial Minerals, 533 (Feb.), 2012.
3.80 The species of Silene Compacta Fischer as indicator of zinc, iron and copper mineralization. Chemie der Erde-Geochemistry, 2012.
3.81 Energy mineral resources of Greece. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2012.
3.82 Nickel removal from aqueous solutions utilizing Greek natural bentonite and vermiculite. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2012.
3.83 Vermiculite in fluidized bed as decontaminating agent for liquid phases. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 2012.
3.84 Hellenic Natural Zeolite as a replacement of sand in mortar Mineralogy monitoring and evaluation of its influence on mechan... Geosci., 2012.
3.85 Metallic mineral resources of Greece. Central European Journal of Geosciences, 2012.
3.86 Industrial and municipal wastewater treatment by zeolitic tuff. Water Today, 2013.
3.87 Behavior study of trace elements in pulverized lignite, bottom ash and fly ash of Amyntaio power.. Environ. Monit. Assess., 185, 6071-76, 2013.
3.88 Major and trace element contents in apples from a cultivated area of central Greece. Environ. Monit. Assess., 185, 8465-71, 2013.
3.89 Lead removal from aqueous solutions by natural Greek bentonites. Clay Minerals, 2013.
3.90 Natural radioactivity and trace element composition of natural clays used as cosmetic products in the Greek market. Clay Minerals, 2014.
3.91 Sorption of Malachite green from aqueous solutions onto Greek raw diasporic bauxite. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 2014.
3.92 Safe management of municipal wastewater and sludge by fixation of pollutants in... HEU-type zeolitic tuff. J. Basic & Appl. Res. Int., 2015.
3.93 Adsorption of Cd(II), Cu(II), Ni(II) and Pb(II) onto natural bentonite study in mono- and multi-metal systems. Environmental Earth Sci., 2015.
3.94 Neutralization of dyeing industry wastewater and sludge by fixation of pollutants in... HEU-type zeolitic tuff. J. of Global Ecology & Env., 2015.
3.95 Quality assessment and hydrogeochemical status of potable water resources in a suburban area.. Desalination & Water Treatment, 57(25),2016.
3.96 Major and minor element geochemistry of chromite from the Xerolivado-Skoumtsa mine, Southern Vourinos... J. Geochemical Explorat., 2016.
3.97 Mineralogy, geochemistry and leachability of ashes produced after lignite combustion in Amyntaio Power Station... Energy Sources, 2016.
3.98 The role of nano-perovskite in the negligible thorium release in seawater from Greek bauxite residue (red mud). Scientific Reports, 2016.
3.99 Application of Hellenic Natural Zeolite in Thessaloniki industrial area wastewater treatment. Desalination and Water Treatment, 57(42), 2016.
3.100 Nano-mineralogy and -geochemistry of high-grade diasporic karst-type bauxite from Parnassos-Ghiona mines, GR. Ore Geol. Rev., 84, 2017.
3.101 HEU-type zeolitic tuff in fixed bed columns as decontaminating agent for liquid phases. Desalination & Water Treatment, 2017.
3.102 Origin of hexavalent chromium in groundwater The example of Sarigkiol basin, Northern Greece. Science of the Total Environment, 2017.
3.103 Metallogeny of the chrome ores of the Xerolivado-Skoumtsa mine, Vourinos ophiolite, Greece… IPGE-bearing... Ore Geol. Rev., 90, 2017.
3.104 Environmentally available hexavalent chromium in soils and sediments impacted by dispersed fly ash in Sarigkiol... Environ. Pollution, 2018.
3.105 Investigation of chabazitic materials as Cs-137 sorbents from cementitious aqueous solutions. Micropor. Mesopor. Materials, 2018.
3.106 Evaluation of the natural zeolite lethal effects on adults of the bean weevil under different temperatures and relative... J. Econ. Entomol., 2018.
3.107 Removal of Cu2+ and Ni2+ ions from aqueous solutions by adsorption onto natural palygorskite and vermiculite. Clay Minerals, 2018.
3.108 Elemental content of apple leaves from Central Greece-Potential sources and interrelations. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2018.
3.109 Application of zeolitic rocks in the environment assessment of radiation due to natural radioactivity. J. Radioanal. & Nuclear Chemistry, 2019.
3.110 The Rare Earth Elements potential of Greek bauxite active mines in the light of a sustainable REE demand. J. of Sustainable Metallurgy, 2019.
3.111 Mineralogical constraints… and vein-type mineralization of the Maronia porphyry Cu-Mo±Re±Au deposits in NE Greece. Minerals, 2020.
3.112 The geology, geochemistry and origin of the porphyry Cu-Au-(Mo) system at Vathi,Serbo-Macedonian Massif, GR. Applied Sciences, 2021.
4.01 High temperature study of the system Fe2SiO4-Mn2SiO4-Mg2SiO4. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 23(2), 283-93, 1989.
4.02 Preliminary results on clinoptilolite-containing volcaniclastic sediments from Metaxades, ...Greece. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 23(2), 451-60,1989.
4.03 Experimental investigation on the Mg-rich side of the Mg2SiO4-Fe2SiO4-Zn2SiO4 system. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 1990.
4.04 Trace element contents of pyrites from Tertiary sulfide deposits of the Kirki - Essimi basin, Northeastern Greece. Mineral Wealth, 1992.
4.05-Framboidal pyrite in the Fe-Cu-(Zn-Pb-Au) mineralization of Xylagani, Rhodope, Thrace (in Greek-English abs). Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 1993.
4.06 FT-IR spectroscopic study of fibrous natural zeolites. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 1994.
4.07-Zeolite synthesis from fly ash of the Amynteon power plant promoted by NaOH 0.5Μ (in Greek-English abs). Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 1999.
4.08-The role of organic matter of carbonate rocks in the reactivity of the produced quicklime (in Greek-English abs). Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 1999.
4.09-Trace element contents in marls of the Ptolemais-Amynteo lignite basin, W.Macedonia,GR (in Greek-English abs). Bull.Geol.Soc.Greece,2001.
4.10-Industrial uses of carbonate rocks from Thassos Island (Greece) (in Greek-English abs). Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 2001.
4.11-Study of the behaviour of Southern Field lignite, Ptolemais lignite basin, during pyrolysis (in Greek-English abs). Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 2001.
4.12 The uptake ability of the clinoptilolitic tuffs of Samos Island, Greece. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 36(1), 89-96, 2004.
4.13 Organic pollutants in the industrial area east of Kavala, Northern Greece. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 36(1), 254-62, 2004.
4.14 Heavy metals and toxic elements contents in soils of selected areas of the Kavala Prefect.. Greece. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 36(1), 263-72, 2004.
4.15 Mineralogy and organic matter content of bottom ash ... from Agios Dimitrios power plant, Greece. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 36(1), 320-26, 2004.
4.16-Calculation of the percentage of amorphous material using PXRD patterns (in Greek-English abs). Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 2004.
4.17-Rockfalls during the earthquake of 14.8.03 and probable solutions, Drimonas,Leukada (in Greek-English abs). Bull.Geol.Soc. Greece, 2004.
4.18-Industrial, agricultural and environmental uses of the natural zeolites of Thrace (in Greek-English summary). Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 2005.
4.19 The cation exchange capacity of the Greek zeolitic rocks. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 40(2), 723-35, 2007.
4.20 A preliminary study of the colemanite-rich tuff layer from Sourides area, Karlovassi, Samos, Hellas. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece,40(2),769-74, 2007.
4.21 The cation exchange capacity of industrial minerals and rocks of Milos Island. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 40(2), 775-80, 2007.
4.22 Trace element contents in uncultivated surface soils in the Kavala area, Northern Greece. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 40(3), 1491-98, 2007.
4.23 Natural and anthropogenic effects on the soil geochemistry of Kavala area, Northern Greece. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 43(5), 2373-82, 2010.
4.24 Municipal wastewater treatment with bentonite from Milos Island, Greece. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 43(5), 2532-39, 2010.
4.25 Purification of urban wastewaters by Hellenic Natural Zeolite. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 43(5), 2597-2605, 2010.
4.26 Uptake ability of zeolitic rock from South Xerovouni, Avdella, Evros, Hellas. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 43(5), 2762-72, 2010.
4.27 Environmental, industrial and agricultural applications of Hellenic Natural Zeolite. Hellenic Journal of Geosciences, 2010.
4.28 Purification of municipal wastewaters, production of zeo-sewage sludge, using Nat. Zeolite. Sci. Annals Geol. Aristotle Univ., 100, 55-62, 2010.
4.29 Continuous extra-framework Na+ release from Analcime rocks on exchange with NH4+. Sci. Annals Geol. Aristotle Univ., 100, 81-7, 2010.
4.30 Environmental assessment of potentially toxic trace elements in sediments of Filippos B port.. Sci. Annals Geol.Aristotle Univ.,100,113-20, 2010.
4.31-On the mineralogy of the Wollastonite from Xanthi-Kimmeria (Thrace, GR) (in Greek-English abs). Sci. Annals Geology Aristotle Univ., 2012.
4.32-Mineralogy-chemistry-ion exchange capacity of Avdella(Evros) zeolitic tuffs (in Greek-English abs). Sci.Annals Geology Aristotle Univ.,2012.
4.33-Quality characteristics of the Greek zeolites, environmental, industrial.. uses (in Greek-English abs). Sci. Annals Geology Aristotle Univ., 2012.
4.34 Trace element content, morphology... of commercially available clays used as cosmetic products. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 47(2), 812-17, 2013.
4.35 Neutralization of sludge, purification of wastewater from Sindos industrial area using natural zeolite. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 47(2),920-26, 2013.
4.36 Removal of Malachite green dye from aqueous solutions by diasporic Greek raw bauxite. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 47(2), 927-33, 2013.
4.37 Spectroscopic and thermal study of bentonites from Milos Island, Greece. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 47(3), 2020-29, 2013.
4.38-Mineral-chemistry-unit cell dimensions of Stibnite, Mavres Petres,Chalkidiki (in Greek-English abs). Sci.Annals Geology Aristotle Univ.,2015.
4.39-Uptake ability of zeolitic tuffs with Clinoptilolite,Analcime.. from Samos Island (in Greek-English abs). Sci.Annals Geology Aristotle Univ.,2015.
4.40-Quality characteristics & applications of high quality HEU-type zeolitic tuffs (in Greek-English abs). Sci. Annals Geology Aristotle Univ., 2015.
4.41-The use of Metaxades zeolitic tuffs as dimension stones-construction industry (in Greek-English abs). Sci.Annals Geology Aristotle Univ.,2015.
4.42-Sorption & fixation of nitrates (NO3-) using Hellenic Natural Zeolite(HENAZE) (in Greek-English abs). Sci.Annals Geology Aristotle Univ.,2016.
4.43-Specifications for the different uses of the zeolitic tuffs (in Greek-English abs). Sci. Annals Geology Aristotle Univ., 2016.
4.44 Mineralogical composition of suspended particles PM10, Ptolemais-Kozani area, Macedonia,Greece. Bull. Geol.Soc.Greece,50(2),1046-51, 2016.
4.45 Applications of the Hellenic Natural Zeolite (HENAZE) and specifications of zeolitic tuffs. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 50(4), 1809-19, 2016.
4.46 The mineralogical composition of Thrace zeolitic rocks-use as feed additives-nutrition supplements. Bull. Geol.Soc. Greece,50(4),1820-28, 2016.
4.47 Gold metallogeny of the Serbomacedonian-Rhodope Metallogenic Belt (SRMB). Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 50(4), 2037-46, 2016.
4.48 Mineral chemistry, formation of awaruite, heazlewoodite in Xerolivado chrome mine, Vourinos,GR. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece,50(4), 2047-56, 2016.
4.49 The use of HEU-type zeolitic tuff in agriculture-the decrease of nitrate load in vadose zone leachates. Bull. Geol.Soc.Greece,50(4),2145-54, 2016.
4.50 Potential Toxic Elements (PTEs) in ground & spring waters, soils, sediments-Anthemountas basin,GR. Bull.Geol.Soc.Greece,50(4),2171-81, 2016.
4.51 Environmental geochemistry of Ptolemais lignites, intermediate steriles and combustion products. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece,50(4), 2241-50, 2016.
4.52 A geochemical investigation of soils, apples and leaves in Agia area, Central Greece. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 50(4), 2271-80, 2016.
4.53 Sb- Bi-bearing metallogeny of the Serbomacedonian-Rhodope Metallogenic Belt (SRMB). Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 55(1), 34-64, 2019.
4.54 Cesium uptake ability between HEU-type (clinoptilolite-heulandite) zeolitic tuff and pure heulandite. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 56(1), 56-69, 2020.
4.55 The mineralogical composition of Samos zeolitic rocks-use as feed additives-nutrition supplements. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 56(1), 84-99, 2020.
5.01 Mineral chemical investigation of an ultramafic nickel bearing body in the Swedish Caledonides. Int. Symp. IGCP 169, Athens1980, Proc., 1981.
5.02 Re-rich and Re-poor molybdenite in the Maronia rhyolitic intrusion, Northeastern Greece. 25 Years SGA Anniversary Meet., Nancy, Proc., 1991.
5.03 Trace element contents in pyrites from sulphide deposits of Kirki-Leptokaria-Essimi area, Thrace,GR. 2nd SGA Meet.,Granada,Proc.,97-100,1993.
5.04 Polytypism and rhenium-contents of molybdenites from two Mo-deposits in Northern Greece. 2nd SGA Meet., Granada, Proc., 641-44, 1993.
5.05 Morphology, mineralogy, chemistry of the respirable-size (5μm) fly ash, lignite fields in Ptolemais.. 2nd SGA Meet.,Granada, Proc.,727-30,1993.
5.06 Trace element contents of the Lava xylitelignite and Ptolemais lignite deposits, Macedonia County, Greece. 8th Int. Conf., Oviedo, Proc., 1995.
5.07 A further contribution to the geochemistry of the granitoid pluton of Stratoni (Eastern Chalkidiki,Greece). XV Congr. CBGA, Athens, Proc.,1995.
5.08 The content of some trace elements in surface soils and fly ash of Ptolemais lignite basin, Macedonia,GR. 3rd Int.Conf.,Thessaloniki,Proc.,1996.
5.09 The sulphocalcic coal fly ashes of Ptolemais (Macedonia, Greece) and Gardanne (Provence, France). Eur. Sem., Marseilles, Proc., 1997.
5.10 Environmental monitoring of Stratoni-Stratoniki area,Chalkidiki, using Landsat-TM digital images. 16thEARSeL Symp., Malta1996, Proc.,1997.
5.11 Volatilization of As during calcination of crystalline limestone, Ag.Panteleimonas, Florina, Macedonia,GR. 5th Int.Conf.,Thessaloniki,Proc.,1998.
5.12 Application of TG-DTA to the study of Amynteon lignites, Northern Greece. MEDICTA 4th Medit. Conf., Patras, Proc., 1999.
5.13 The Ca-rich clinoptilolite deposit of Pentalofos, Thrace, Greece. In Natural Zeolites for the Third Millennium, Napoli, 193-202, 2000.
5.14 Effects of dietary clinoptilolite-rich tuff on the performance of growing-finishing pigs. In Nat. Zeolites-Third Millennium, Napoli, 471-81, 2000.
5.15 Environmental uses of natural zeolites from Evros district, Thrace, Greece. 5th Int. Conf., Thessaloniki, Greece, Proc., 149-55, 2000.
5.16 Environmental uses of lime from Agios Panteleimonas, Florina, Macedonia, Greece. 5th Int. Conf., Thessaloniki, Proc., 192-8, 2000.
5.17 Environmental aspects of trace elements in Ptolemais-Amynteon lignites, Northern Greece. 5th Int. Conf., Thessaloniki, Proc., 533-40, 2000.
5.18 Quality of surface waters in the lignite bearing Drama basin, Northern Greece. 5th Int. Conf., Thessaloniki, Proc., 541-8, 2000.
5.19 The usage of ultrasonic techniques at calcination studies. Aggregate, Helsinki, 2001.
5.20 The distribution of lignite quality in Southern field mine, Ptolemais-Amynteo lignite basin, Greece. Int. Conf., Varna, Proc., 2002.
5.21 Purification of industrial & urban wastewaters, production of zeo-sewage sludge using Hellenic Nat. Zeolite. 2nd Int.Conf.,Skiathos,Proc.,2008.
5.22 Purification of dye-work & urban wastewaters, production of zeo-sewage sludge, using Hellenic Nat. Zeolite. 1st Int. Conf.,Chania, Proc.,2008.
5.23 Safe management of sewage sludge, produced by treatment of municipal sewage with Hellenic Nat. Zeolite. 3rd Int.Conf.,Athens, Proc., 2008.
5.24 Treatment and recycling of municipal and industrial waste waters using Hellenic Natural Zeolite A Review. 3rd Int. Conf., Athens, Proc., 2008.
5.25 Odorless and cohesive zeo-sewage sludge produced by Hellenic Natural Zeolite treatment. 3rd AMIREG Int. Conf., Athens, Proc., 2009.
5.26 Natural bentonite, Milos Island GR-A low cost adsorbent for removal of Cd from water & wastewaters. 3rd Int. Conf.,Skiathos, Proc.,63-8, 2010.
5.27 Cyanobacteria removal by Hellenic Natural Zeolite. 3rd Int. Conf., Skiathos, Proc., 383-7, 2010.
5.28 Nickel removal from aqueous solutions utilizing Greek natural bentonite and vermiculite. 2nd Int. Symp., Mykonos, Proc., 2010.
5.29 Purification of wastewater from Sindos industrial area of Thessaloniki using Hellenic Nat. Zeolite. 9th Int. Hydrog. Congr., Kalavrita, Proc.,2011.
5.30 Odourless-cohesive zeosewage sludge production and urban wastewater purification by natural zeolite. Int. Conf., Thessaloniki, Proc., 2012.
5.31 Equilibrium-process design for adsorption of heavy metals (Cd2+,Cu2+,Ni2+,Pb2+,Zn2+) onto nat. vermiculite. 4th Int.Conf.,Volos,Proc.,2013.
5.32 Suitability of potable groundwater, Thermi (N.Greece) and definition of main hydrogeochemical signatures. 12th Int.Conf.,Skiathos,Proc.,2014.
5.33 The use of Hellenic Nat. Zeolite (HENAZE) in the purification of Thessaloniki ind-wastewaters. 10th Int.Hydrog.Congr.,Thessaloniki, Proc., 2014.
5.34 Geological sources of As in the Environment of Greece-A review. In Threats to the Quality of Groundwater Resources, Hdb Env Chem, 2016.
6.01-The caesium uptake by the zeoliferous rocks of Metaxades area (Evros) (in Greek-English summary). 15th Congr. Thessaloniki, Proc., 1994.
6.02-Characterization of HEU type zeolite by XRD, MAS NMR, FT-IR, XPS-ESCA (in Greek-English summary). 15th Congr. Thessaloniki, Proc., 1994.
6.03-Mineralogy, major and trace elements of fly ashes from the Ptolemais-Aminteo Lignite Center (in Greek). Sci. Meet. Kozani, Proc., 1997.
6.04-Greek zeolites, a material for removing trace elements-neutralizing the pH of water (in Greek-English abs). 4thCongr.Thessaloniki,Proc.,1997.
6.05-Geophysical-mineralogical-geochemical investigations before the exploitation of carbonate rocks (in Greek). 1st Congr. Thassos, Proc., 1998.
6.06-Interaction of the marly limestone from Lignite Center of Ptolemais with heavy metals (in Greek-English abs). 1st Congr. Kozani, Proc., 2000.
6.07-Geochemical study of Amynteon lignite deposit (in Greek-English abs). 1st Congr. Kozani, Proc., 2000.
6.08-High-Ca quick lime of Agios Panteleimonas limestone, for use in water processing (in Greek-English abs). 1st Congr. Kozani, Proc., 2000.
6.09-Study of the crystalline limestone from Agios Panteleimonas, Florina (in Greek-English abs). 1st Congr. Kozani, Proc., 2000.
6.10-Economic-environmental importance of steriles co-excavation, Ptolemais Lignite Field (in Greek-English abs). 1st Congr. Kozani, Proc.,2000.
6.11-Zeolite synthesis from fly ash of the Agios Dimitrios power plant by ΝaΟΗ solutions (in Greek-English abs). 1st Congr. Kozani, Proc., 2000.
6.12-Concentrations-mineralogy-morphology of PM10 suspended particles in Kozani city (in Greek-English abs). 1st Congr. Kozani, Proc., 2000.
6.13 Chromites in the southern sector of Xerolivado chrome mine of Vourinos, Macedonia, Greece. 1st Congr. Kozani, Proc., 485-97, 2000.
6.14-Environmental and economical aspects of the VLF in the exploitation of Kastania marble (in Greek-English abs). 1st Congr. Kozani,Proc.,2000.
6.15-The possibility using Greek natural zeolites for the restoration of Ptolemais lignite mines (in Greek-English abs). 1st Congr. Kozani, Proc.,2000.
6.16-The role of VLF method, mineralogical-chemical composition, in exploitation of Greek marbles(in Greek). 2nd Congr.Thessaloniki,Proc.,2000.
6.17-Mineral resources and the environment (in Greek-English abs). Symp. Sigri, Lesvos 1999, Proc., 2001.
6.18-Differential Thermal Analysis application in the study of solid energy raw materials.. (in Greek). THERMA-1st Congr. Kerkini Lake, Proc., 2002.
6.19-Lithogenic-anthropogenic origin of trace elements in soils of Ptolemais lignite basin(in Greek-English abs). 6thConf.Thessaloniki,Proc.,2002.
6.20-Management of aquatic ecosystems using Greek natural zeolites (in Greek). 12th Sem. Thessaloniki, Proc., 2002.
6.21 Quality, pollution, treatment and management of waters, using analcime-rich zeolitic tuff from Samos, Hellas. 7th Conf. Athens, Proc., 2005.
6.22-The uptake ability of amorphous-rich industrial materials from Milos island (in Greek-English abs). 2nd Congr. Thessaloniki, Proc., 2005.
6.23-Study of uptake ability of Milos bentonite and Grevena attapulgite (in Greek-English abs). 2nd Congr. Thessaloniki, Proc., 2005.
6.24-Suitability of Nissiros pozzolan for use in traditional mortars (in Greek-English abs). 2nd Congr. Thessaloniki, Proc., 2005.
6.25-Improvement and protection of Lake Koronia waters with natural zeolite (in Greek). 13th Sem. Thessaloniki, Proc., 2005.
6.26-Improvement and protection of the lake Koronia using natural zeolite (In Greek-English summary). 2nd Congr. Thessaloniki, Proc., 2006.
6.27-Zeolites of Trigono-Evros in industrial, agricultural, cattle-raising and environmental technology (in Greek). Sci. Meet. Petrota, Proc., 2007.
6.28-Agricultural-environmental applications using Hellenic Natural Zeolite of Petrota,Evros (In Greek-English summary). Congr.Veria,Proc.,2007.
6.29-Production of sewage sludge-purification of wastewaters,using Hellenic Nat. Zeolite(in Greek-English abs).3rdCongr.Thessaloniki,Proc.,2008.
6.30-Evaluation of Cement-Sand-Hellenic Natural Zeolite Mortars Hardening using Ultrasonic Techniques(in Greek). 1st Congr.Athens,Proc.,2008.
6.31-Purification of dye-work wastewaters-production of zeo-sludge by Hellenic Nat. Zeolite(in Greek-English abs). 8thCongr.Athens,Proc.,2008.
6.32-Urban wastewaters purification, zeo-sewage sludge production by Hellenic Nat. Zeolite(in Greek-English abs). 8thCongr.Athens,Proc.,2008.
6.33-Management of urban and industrial wastewaters using Hellenic Natural Zeolite (in Greek-English summary). Congr. Volos, Proc., 2009.
6.34-Purification of sewage effluents-production of odourless sewage sludge, using Hellenic Nat. Zeolite(in Greek-English abs). YDROGAIA,2009.
6.35-Content of As and other toxic trace elements in Fluvisols and Lithosols, Kavala region (in Greek-English abs). 13th Congr. Larisa, Proc.,2010.
6.36-Environmental monitoring of groundwater reserves, Asvestohori-Hortiatis,N.Greece(in Greek-English abs). 4thConf.Thessaloniki,Proc.,2011.
6.37-Cyanobacteria removal by Hellenic Natural Zeolite (in Greek-English abs). 4th Conf. Thessaloniki, Proc., 2011.
6.38-Ion exchange capacity of Gourounorema zeolitic tuffs,Evros, environ. applications(in Greek-English abs). 4th Conf. Thessaloniki,Proc.,2011.
6.39-Investigation-remediation of plating factory wastewaters using natural bentonite (in Greek-English abs). 4th Conf. Thessaloniki, Proc., 2011.
6.40 Copper removal from single and multi-component system by natural bentonite from Milos Island, Greece. 8th Conf. Thessaloniki, Proc., 2011.
6.41-Purification of Thessaloniki industrial area wastewater using Hellenic Nat. Zeolite(in Greek-English abs). 21st Congr.Thessaloniki,Proc.,2011.
6.42-Production of odorless-cohesive zeo-sewage sludge and zeo-sludge by natural zeolite (in Greek). 4th Congr. Athens, Proc., 2012.
6.43-Tracing-variability of nitrogenous compounds in potable water, Thermi Municipality(in Greek-English abs). 5thConf.Thessaloniki,Proc.,2014.
6.44-Marbles and zeolites, Quality characteristics-Reserves-Value-applications(in Greek). Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. NSRF, Drama,Proc.,2015.
7.01 A Mossbauer and X-Ray Investigation of Zn-containing Fayalite and Fe-containing Willemite. VIII Int. Conf. Vienna, Ext. Abs, 1985.
7.02 Chemical investigation of basic meta-igneous rocks in Sykia, South Sithonia, Northern Greece. XIV Congr. CBGA, Sofia, Ext. Abs, 1989.
7.03 Oxygen-isotope evidence for the alteration of the zeolite-bearing volcaniclastic sediments of Metaxades, Greece. 4th Int. Idaho, Ext. Abs, 1993.
7.04 Origin of the Eocene zeolite-rich volcaniclastic sediments of Metaxades, Thrace, Greece. Int. Symp. Sofia, Ext. Abs, 1995.
7.05 The chemical behaviour of a natural low-silica zeolitic material in 1M NaCl solutions of different initial pH values. Int.Symp.Sofia, Ext.Abs,1995.
7.06 Surface chemistry of HEU-type zeolite crystals in respect of Cobalt complex-compounds. Int. Symp. Sofia, Ext. Abs, 1995.
7.07 The influence of Greek clinoptilolite-bearing rocks on the egg shell quality, in the early stage of laying. Int. Symp. Sofia, Ext. Abs, 1995.
7.08 The influence of Greek clinoptilolite-bearing rocks on the performance of laying hens, in the early stage of laying. Int.Symp.Sofia,Ext.Abs,1995.
7.09-The influence of Greek Natural Zeolite on the performance of hens, in the whole period of laying(in Greek). Sci.Meet.Larisa1995, Ext.Abs,1996.
7.10 Investigation of natural Prehnite using spectroscopic and nuclear reaction techniques. Goldschmidt Conf. Heidelberg, J.Conf.A., Ext.Abs,1996.
7.11 The Ca-rich clinoptilolite deposit of Pentalofos, Thrace, Greece. 5th Int. Conf. Ischia, Naples, Ext. Abs, 1997.
7.12 Some results in swines performance after adding natural Greek zeolite in their diets. 5th Int. Conf. Ischia, Naples, Ext. Abs, 1997.
7.13 Heterostructures patterned on aluminosilicate microporous substrates-Co(III) on HEU-type zeolite. 6th Int. Conf. Thessaloniki, Ext. Abs, 2002.
7.14 The uptake ability of the Greek natural zeolites. 6th Int. Conf. Thessaloniki, Ext. Abs, 2002.
7.15 GIS-type zeolite synthesis from Greek lignite sulphocalcic fly ashes promoted by NaOH solutions. 6th Int. Conf. Thessaloniki, Ext. Abs, 2002.
7.16 Effects of dietary inclusion of natural Greek zeolite on the reproductive characteristics of sows. 6th Int. Conf. Thessaloniki, Ext. Abs, 2002.
7.17-Purification of urban wastewaters-production of sewage sludge using Hellenic Natural Zeolite(in Greek). 3rdSymp.Thessaloniki, Ext.Abs,2007.
7.18-Complex compounds of transitional elements fixated at surface-pores of nat. zeolite crystals (in Greek). 3rd Symp.Thessaloniki, Ext.Abs,2007.
7.19-Improvement-protection of the lake Koronia using Hellenic natural zeolite of Petrota, Evros (in Greek). 3rd Symp. Thessaloniki, Ext. Abs, 2007.
7.20-Geosciences and health (in Greek). Sci. Meet. Kozani, Ext. Abs, 2008.
7.21 Preparation and characterization of Palladium supported on zeolites. XXV Conf. Thessaloniki, Ext. Abs, 2009.
7.22 Chroococcus (cyanobacteria) removal by hellenic natural zeolite. 8th Int. Conf. Sofia, Ext. Abs, 2010.
7.23 New insights into the mineral chemistry and properties of natural and fully Na+-exchanged HEU-type zeolite. 8th Int. Conf.Sofia, Ext.Abs,2010.
7.24-Industrial-agricultural-cattle raising-aqua cultural-environ. applications of Evros mineral wealth(in Greek). Congr.Didimoticho, Ext. Abs,2012.
7.25 Multivariate statistical and GIS-based approach to identify heavy metal sources in soils of the Drama plain,Greece. Nat.Conf.Sofia,Ext.Abs,2013.
7.26 Investigation of chabazitic materials as sorption sink for Cs-137 in cementitious aqueous solutions. 16th Int. Conf. Barcelona, Ext. Abs, 2017.
7.27 The use of HEU-type zeolitic tuff in the management of agricultural nitrate load-soil-vadose zone leachates. 6th Int. Conf. Naxos, Ext.Abs,2018.
7.28 Cesium sorption from hyper-alkaline aqueous solutions by a greek HEU-type zeolitic material. 10th Int. Conf. Cracow, Ext. Abs, 2018.
7.29 Sb- Bi-bearing metallogeny of the Serbomacedonian-Rhodope Metallogenic Belt (SRMB). 15th Int. Congr. Athens, Ext. Abs, 2019.
7.30 The local distribution of Th in Eudialyte deposits associated with peralkaline igneous rocks (Greenland). 15th Int. Congr. Athens, Ext. Abs, 2019.
7.31 Actinides and Rare Earth Elements (REE) in sedimentary formations of Greece A review. 15th Int. Congr. Athens, Ext. Abs, 2019.
7.32 Cesium uptake ability between HEU-type (clinoptilolite-heulandite) zeolitic tuff and pure heulandite. 15th Int. Congr. Athens, Ext. Abs, 2019.
7.33 Mineralogical comp. of Samos zeolitic rocks, their potential uses as feed additives-nutrition supplements. 15th Int.Congr.Athens,Ext.Abs,2019.
7.34 Removal of Cr(VI) from industrial wastewater using coagulants and clinoptilolite zeolitic tuff. 16th Int. Congr. Patras, Ext. Abs, 2022.
8.01 Re-rich and Re-poor Molybdenite in the Melitena porphyritic intrusion, Rhodope massive (Greece). Fortschritte der Mineralogie, Abs, 1986.
8.02 Experimental work on opaque mineral assemblages in ultramafic rocks. IGCP 197, Athens, Abs, 1986.
8.03 Das Seifengoldvorkommen von Apollonia, Prefektur ThessalonikiGriechenland. Fortschritte der Mineralogie, Abs, 1987.
8.04 Experimental investigation on the Mg-rich side of the Mg2SiO4-Fe2SiO4-Zn2SiO4 system. Sci. Meet. Thessaloniki, Abs, 1987.
8.05 The polymetallic sulphide mineralization of the Kirki area, Alexandroupolis district, Northeastern Greece. 1st Symp. Smolyan, Abs, 1987.
8.06 The new sulphosalts from the Kirki ore field Alexandroupolis district, Northeastern Greece. 1st Symp. Smolyan, Abs, 1987.
8.07 Meta-autunite and autunite occurrence in the Dipotama granite, Drama (Northern Greece). 1st Symp. Smolyan, Abs, 1987.
8.08 High temperature study of the system Fe2SiO4-Mn2SiO4-Mg2SiO4. 4th Congr. Athens, Abs, 1988.
8.09 Preliminary results on clinoptilolite-containing volcaniclastic sediments from Metaxades, NE Greece. 4th Congr. Athens, Abs, 1988.
8.10 Ultramafic body in Gorgona area, North of Xanthi (Central Rhodope Massif, Greece). 2nd Symp. Thessaloniki, Abs, 1989.
8.11 Zeolite-bearing rocks in Petrota area (Eastern Rhodope Massif, Greece). 2nd Symp. Thessaloniki, Abs, 1989.
8.12-Mineralogical study of fly ash from North and Main field of Ptolemais lignite basin (in Greek). 1st Congr. Patras, Abs, 1991.
8.13 Framboidal pyrite in the Fe-Cu-(Zn-Pb-Au) deposits of the Xylagani area, Rhodope County (Thrace). 6th Congr. Athens, Abs, 1992.
8.14 Morphology-mineralogy-chemistry of Ptolemais fly ash in relation to some problems in human health. 29th Int. Congr. Kyoto, Abs, 1992.
8.15 Mineralogical composition of ashing product of the Ptolemais lignite, Greece. 29th Int. Congr. Kyoto, Abs, 1992.
8.16-Mineralogy, chemistry & morphology of laboratory ash at 1000o C and fly ash from Ptolemais lignite (in Greek). Sci. Meet. Kozani, Abs, 1992.
8.17 Mercury, Cadmium and Silver ion uptake by clinoptilolite-bearing rocks using radioactive tracer techniques. 5th Conf. Stara Lesna, Abs, 1993.
8.18 Uranium and thorium uptake by natural zeolitic material. 7th Int. Symp. Bournemouth, Abs, 1994.
8.19-The zeoliferous rock of Metaxades and its ability to adsorb radionuclides and heavy metals (in Greek). Sci. Meet. Thessaloniki, Abs, 1995.
8.20 Structural characteristics and surface chemistry of chemically modified natural zeolite crystals. Int. Meet. Lucca, Abs, 1995.
8.21 Environmental aspects of trace elements in Amynteon lignites, Northern Greece. 3rd Euroconf. Chalkidiki, Abs, 1999.
8.22 Zeolite synthesis from Greek sulphocalcic fly ashes promoted by NaOH solutions. XRD, FT-IR and SEM-EDS. 2nd Int. Conf. Halkidiki, Abs, 2000.
8.23 The estimation of volcanic glass content in natural materials using PXRD and FTIR techniques. 5th Eur. Conf. Vienna, Abs, 2004.
8.24 Quality-treatment-management of drinking, waste, underground and surface waters, using Greek natural zeolite. Int. Conf. Athens, Abs, 2005.
8.25 The uptake ability of volcanic rocks from Milos, Greece. 8th Eur. Mineralogical Union School-Silicate Based Materials, Budapest, Abs, 2006.
8.26 Arsenic baseline concentrations in surface soils of the Kavala area, Northern Greece. 26th Eur. Conf. Athens, Abs, 2008.
8.27 Purification of urban wastewaters-production of zeo-sewage sludge-food quality, using Hellenic Nat. Zeolite. 26th Eur.Conf. Athens, Abs,2008.
8.28 Arsenic concentration values in sea sediments of the Filippos B port, Kavala, Northern Greece. 26th Eur. Conf. Athens, Abs, 2008.
8.29-Protection of Kastoria lake, production increase of agricultural products using Hellenic Nat. Zeolite (in Greek). Sci. Meet. Kastoria, Abs, 2008.
8.30 Nanoscience-nanotechnology in earth & environmental sciences-new developments in nanogeoscience. 6th Int.Conf. Thessaloniki, Abs,2009.
8.31 Synthesis of magnetite nanoparticles for magnetic hyperthermia measurements and as Pd-103 carriers. 6th Int. Conf. Thessaloniki, Abs, 2009.
8.32 Sorption ability and potential environmental uses of zeolitic rock from Xerovouni, Avdella, Evros, Hellas. 8th Int. Conf. Sofia, Abs, 2010.
8.33 Lighter with higher porosity mortar using Hellenic Natural Zeolite. 8th Int. Conf. Sofia, Abs, 2010.
8.34 Kinetic-isothermal study of Pb ion adsorption onto natural bentonites with different CEC, Milos Island-GR. XIX Congr. Thessaloniki, Abs, 2010.
8.35 Purification of municipal wastewaters and production of zeo-sewage sludge, using Hellenic Natural Zeolite. XIX Congr. Thessaloniki,Abs,2010.
8.36 Continuous extra-framework Na+ release from Greek analcime-rich volcaniclastic rocks, NH4+ exchange. XIX Congr. Thessaloniki, Abs, 2010.
8.37 Environmental assessment of potentially toxic trace elements in sediments of Filippos B port, N.Aegean Sea. XIX Congr.Thessaloniki,Abs,2010.
8.38-Natural zeolites – application in cultivations (in Greek). Sci. Meet. Eani, Kozani, Abs, 2011.
8.39 Sorption of zinc and silver by nanozeolitic tuff. 9th Int. Conf. Thessaloniki, Abs, 2012.
8.40 Enrichment of Pb, Se, As, U and Cs in commercial cosmetic clays. Goldschmidt Conf., Florence, Abs, 2013.
8.41 New insights-mineral chemistry-Au bearing pyrite-As pyrite-arsenopyrite concentrate, Olympias deposit. Goldschmidt Conf.Prague,Abs,2015.
8.42-Origin of hexavalent chromium in Sarigkiol basin, Kozani, Greece (in Greek & English). 22nd Congr. Thessaloniki, Abs, 2016.
8.43 Mineral chemistry of sulphide minerals in concentrates of the Kassandra mines (Chalkidiki, Greece). XXI Int. Congr. Salzburg, Abs, 2018.
8.44-Study of the effect of natural zeolites on adult and larval survival of the bean weevil (in Greek & English). 18th Congr. Komotini, Abs, 2019.
8.45-Unit cell characteristics of HEU-type zeolitic materials after their treatment with super-alkaline solutions(in Greek). 1stConf. Kozani,Abs,2021.
8.46-Leachability of major and trace elements from fly ash-marl mixtures, W. Macedonia Lignite Center (in Greek). 1st Conf. Kozani, Abs, 2021.
8.47-Toxicity of natural zeolites and other inert dusts on adults and larvae of bean weevil (in Greek & English). 19th Congr. Agrinio, Abs, 2022.
8.48-Treatment of Olive Fruit Fly (Dacus) Using Special Quality Natural Zeolite (in Greek). 9th Conf. Agrotica, Thessaloniki, Abs, 2022.